Bears Youth MTB
The DBA Bears
The DBA-Bears is a weekly youth mountain biking program developed by professional cycling coaches for children ages 7-16. Through various drills, teaching techniques and of course trail rides, we provide participants with the skills and techniques required to ride anywhere, and feel confident doing it!
The program runs Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:00 pm through the months of May and June and is based out of Devon, Alberta.
Participants are between the ages 7-16
Ability to ride a bicycle without training wheels
Have a Mountain Bike in Excellent Working Condition - with gears and two working hand brakes
The desire to have fun and try something new.
Some Travel Required - not all sessions are in Devon. Some are in Edmonton
Program fees: $225
8 weeks of programming with certified coaches
General Membership to the Devon Bicycle Association
Mountain Biking Jersey
Supported Field Trip (on a Sunday, somewhere cool! like the Hinton, Edson or Red-Deer Bike Park)
For more information please check out our Program guide
Priority Registration Opens on April 2. (Priority Registration is for last seasons participants)
Any remaining spots will open to the public the following week on April 9th